Undertaking activity that requires a building permit prior to obtaining such permit is a crime. (Class A Misdemeanor)
A Building Permit will be issued when the application is submitted along with the required supporting documents and the proposed work conforms to the requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and the Town of Onondaga Zoning Law and Regulations. The authority conferred with the permit may be limited by conditions. The Codes Enforcement Office must be notified of any changes to information contained in the application during the period for which the permit is in effect.
The following information must be submitted at the time of application:
1. One (1) copy of the application
2. One (1) copy of an up-to-date lot Survey, certified by a licensed NYS Land Surveyor, showing locations of lot and buildings on the premises, and relationship to adjoining premises and public streets
3. One (1) set of plans and specifications describing the proposed work, in accordance with the State Education Law, Section 7307 and 7209. The original seal and signature of a licensed and registered NYS Architect or Professional Engineer must be affixed to all plans except where good cause is shown and if the construction is under 1500-square-feet and the construction cost is less than $20,000
4. If the permit is for installation of a Solid Fuel Burning Appliance, the manufacturer's installation specifications must be submitted at the time of application.
5. One (1) Certificate of Insurance with the Town of Onondaga as a Certificate Holder, listing Worker’s Compensation and NYS Disability benefits, if wages are to be paid to anyone working on the project.
6. One (1) copy of Proof of Ownership (i.e. Deed, or a copy of a Tax Receipt)
7. Driveway Permit
8. Septic Approval
Application Fee by check or cash as noted in the chart below. (Make checks payable to: Town of Onondaga.)
Residential Structures: Application: $50 + $0.50 per square foot
Commercial Structures: Application: $100 + $1 per square foot (Minimum Fee: $250/Maximum Fee: $40,000)
Foundation/Slab: Application: $50 + $0.50 per linear/square foot
Solid Fuel Appliance/Fireplace/Gas Heater: Application: $100
Standby Generator/Electric Vehicle Charging Station: $100
In-Ground Swimming Pool/Spa/Hot-Tub: Application: $125
Above Ground Pool: Application: $75
Temporary/Non-Residential Storage Trailers: Application: $50/trailer
Demolition: Application: $100
Communication Tower: Application: $50 + $150 per antenna; Replacement/Ground-mounted equipment - $100
Flood Plain Development Permit: $200
Operational Permits:
Fire Inspections:
Single-unit and Multi-family Residential - Initial Inspection - $100
Commercial - Initial Inspection - $250
Mercantile - Initial Inspection - $50; Each Re-Inspection - $50
Apartments (Multi-Dwelling) - Initial Inspection - $250
*After Business Hours Inspections incur additional charges
Code Enforcement Action - $250 + Cost of Materials, Labor and Equipment
Permit Extension: $50 - One extension allowed; Not to exceed 90 days
Building Without a Permit: Permit Fee is doubled plus cost of Stop Work order, if applicable. Please note that undertaking activity that requires a building permit prior to obtaining such permit is a Class A Misdemeanor.
Stop Work Order - Residential - $200; Commercial - $400
Replacement Certification of Occupancy or Compliance - $25
Town of Onondaga Master Plan: Master Plan updated 2017.pdf